08 Mini Excavator

08 Mini excavator is equipped with rubber track or steel track, it’s reliable and of user-friendly.With multiple functions of digging, grabbing, drilling, bull-dozing, ditch-cleaning and rock-breaking, this excavator can be widely used in various construction projects such as water supply, power supply, gas supply, telecommunication network, farmland and garden works etc.




Features of 0.8t small excavator:

  1. The design of the boom structure is not easy to break.
  2. The front part is designed with a protective cover, which is simple and generous. Many manufacturers have messy pipe layouts and no guards.
  3. The cylinder is made by a large factory, and the cylinder diameter is integrated. Most of the cylinders from other manufacturers are welded.
  4. All structural parts are processed by large factories, then shot blasted, pickled, and painted. High gloss, high paint adhesion. Most other manufacturers weld by themselves, with poor workmanship, self-painting with poor adhesion.




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